What its all about:

The Word Unspoken will address the random outpourings of my deviant mind. Sometimes the occult, sometimes politics, sometimes basket weaving...who knows? Generally, it is a commentary of an unconventional conventionist walking the face of this mudball with a bunch of other broken machines. Read, comment, enjoy, hate...do what you please, its no concern of mine, but remember: You are a reflection of what you hate; so hate wisely!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pain in the Rain

I know its been a while since I've put up a blog post, but this blog will explain why....

This is just a simple outpouring that I hope you all find valuable; if not, at least I got to pour it out instead of letting it fester & ooze its way out. As some of you know, I'm dealing with some issues with my back that affect my mobility & have kept me out of work since the end of October. This, in & of itself, is frustrating to me as I've always been able to work & provide for my family for the last 13 years on my salary alone. The Powers blessed us today when they dumped my retroactive TDI into my bank account; this is a total "rain of mercy" as I've had to borrow money & take out short term loans to survive for the past few weeks. Running a household of six people is not an easy endeavor by any stretch of the imagination.
Through all this, I happened to catch a show on Netflix which had originally aired on Discovery Channel called, I believe, "The Universe" with Steven Hawking. This man is a quadriplegic & must use a computer to speak with. He makes a statement at the beginning of each show saying & I paraphrase..."I am unable to use my arms or legs & must speak through a computer, but in my mind; I'm free..."
This statement has stuck with me since I first heard it & has put Mr. Hawking in the hero category in my mind. I, myself, have been tested & score in the 95th percentile on the IQ scale & I literally have had to watch each of the two episodes I've seen twice to get a handle on the concepts he's presenting. This supposedly "handicapped" man literally blows my mind!
So, how does this relate to metaphysics, consciousness, & reality engineering? Very simply this: we are free! Many workers & seekers get stuck in this paradigm or that; they cavetch about whether one technique or philosophy is "real" or "fake", but what they don't get is they are putting chains on themselves & inhibiting their evolution. If an organism cannot adapt to it environment, it becomes extinct; that is the simple rule of the cycle of life/ The same applies to metaphysics: if you cannot evolve, you are left behind in your own delusion. If your mind remains closed to possibilities, then you have planted a chain in your psyche that prevents you from exploring that possibility.  The more chains you plant, the harder it is for you to progress & evolve. Eventually, you become stuck in your own self created delusion of what you view as reality & slowly wither away.
T0 close this off because my hip is killing me & I can't sit at the computer for much longer, I urge all of you to dismiss nothing. Even the words of the so-called "enemy" contain wisdom that will help you grow & evolve beyond your adversary so they become insignificant. Open your minds to the infinity of understanding the universe offers; open your hearts to love & compassion. Hate & anger are effective when directed by a honed will, but as much as they fuel you, they also consume you. Am I saying not to avenge yourself on those who have wronged you? Absolutely not! But if you focus on your own evolution instead of the nonsense other people try to put on you, you'll find that the Powers tend to "have your back" & take care of those annoying little problems for you.  Trust me, I speak from experience & those that know me well can testify to this. I don't throw hexes anymore because I don't have to; the Powers I work with, my Family among the Stars & Spaces, takes care of my problems before I even know they are there. You might say, then why are you laid up with a back injury? The answer is I'm stubborn & have been ignoring the messages the Powers have been trying to give me. The speak softly at first, but eventually, they bust out the sledgehammer & make it so you have no choice but to listen!
So, take this advice & don't make them break their foot off in your ass, lol! You are free; you were born free & once you loose the chains, you will be free again. That is the way to self-evolution; that is the way to immortality & godhood!

Friday, October 7, 2011

The New Deal

The country needs a return to the Bill of Rights.  The Bill of Rights was designed for a very specific purpose, namely to give the people the right to overthrow the government should it become corrupt, which it has in spades; unfortunately, the greater majority of the population has been stupefied into apathy & fear by the thoughtform creation of the powers behind the government. The name of this thoughtform that has reached deitific proportions is "Consumerism". This thing keeps humans constantly dissatisfied, but instead of encouraging them to address the roots of their dissatisfaction within themselves, it convinces them that material possessions will solve all their problems while at the same time reinforcing their inadequacy because no matter what, someone else always has something bigger & better than they do. This causes them to work themselves into early graves, pumps their stress levels to homicidal proportions, & conditions them to view other beings as resources to be exploited or obstacles to be crushed underfoot.

Our political structure as it stands today supports this thoughtform & philosophy whether they admit it or not. Most humans, those in power & those on the street level, are afraid to question it or attempt to create a counter current of any efficacy because it will make their lives uncomfortable. Their preference is to wallow in depression, impotent rage,& declining whole being health than to take the risk of questioning the status quo, or worse yet, striking out against it. They are afraid to fail because failure is a cardinal sin in the church of the consumer god. Failure is weakness & makes you the prey of all those waiting to use you as a stepping stone in their own rat race. Unfortunately for the ignorant & not so ignorant masses, failure is the only way we learn & evolve. While success breeds more success, only failure breeds growth & evolution. Constant success breeds complacency & apathy in addition to stress & anxiety to maintain the level of success. Failure hurts, but it forces us to examine ourselves & learn what works & what does not. The hope is this will lead us to not making the same mistake twice, unfortunately, the conditioned human ego gets in the way many times & immediately tries to shift the blame from ourselves to some outside agency which then puts our focus on eliminating what we perceive as a threat to our success instead of admitting our failure & focusing on improving ourselves so that obstacle no longer applies to us because we have evolved beyond it.

Our country specifically & our world in general need a baseball bat to the face! There is no nice way of putting it. Our country needs to be shaken out of its comfort zone & instead of pointing fingers, we need to look down the arm. We need to admit our failures & short comings & work to overcome them. We need to attempt to make amends for those we've wronged instead of buying them off or sweeping them under the rug & forgetting about them. If we truly had our own self-interest at heart, we would cease going out of our way to one up each other & cooperate. In this way, we all benefit & we all evolve; in this way humanity evolves & the planet becomes the jewel & the paradise it once was.

For this to be realized, it will take pain, determination, & defiance in the face of annihilation. We have to accept that we will suffer & may not survive the process in this body, but choose to suffer, choose to risk everything, choose to finally throw off the chains of the consumer idol & be free! Know that we will be opposed at every step & face insurmountable opposition, but every blow we strike & every word we speak erodes the edifice & eventually it will fall!

Are we not Knights? Have we not declared our fealty to Chaos? A knight sees opposition & faces it, no matter what. They accept death with every breath & still stand in its face. Why? Because they have made the choice to do what is right; not for anything else but the ideals & honor they hold in their own hearts. That is the true definition of a knight; that is the true definition of nobility. The commoner has the option of being apathetic & self-serving because they either know nothing else or they have chosen to allow their circumstances to rule them. A noble has the means & the resources to rise above complacency & choose to suffer for what they believe in. Nothing in life happens to a noble; everything is their choice & by their will, & they accept the consequences thereof without passing the buck. Only the nobility were allowed to be knights originally, & this was the reason; at least in my mind.

Help me to create this reality. We are all in the unique position to strike on both the physical & the non-physical theaters. Lets put it together & make it "real"!