What its all about:

The Word Unspoken will address the random outpourings of my deviant mind. Sometimes the occult, sometimes politics, sometimes basket weaving...who knows? Generally, it is a commentary of an unconventional conventionist walking the face of this mudball with a bunch of other broken machines. Read, comment, enjoy, hate...do what you please, its no concern of mine, but remember: You are a reflection of what you hate; so hate wisely!

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Nightmare Returns!

The Vivisection is complete & I have returned....better, stronger, more undead than ever before! I told y'all when I started that this blog would be pretty random & I don't think I've disappointed. So, what am I thinking about aside from counting the minutes until my next dose of Oxycontin?

The future's so bright, I've got to wear shades, so I live in the present so I don't fall asleep from the glare. So much has been happening so quickly in my world that its time to put things in their places so life can assume its new rhythm. I've got an eight to nine year plan for school; I want my doctorate & I'm not stopping until I get it! I think I am going to try to get into Salve Regina College in Newport, RI to get my Master's in Holistic Counseling if I am unable to get into NESA, which seems likely at this point due to the hour commute & the time commitment NESA demands.. I wouldn't be able to hold down a full time job & go there because going there is a full time job with its 3-4 day commitment in the first year & a five day commitment for the second & third year.

Salve is closer & the program goes right along with my Bachelor's degree program of Complementary & Alternative Health. Aside from that, the school has an excellent reputation & will look really good on a transcript. Following that, I plan on getting my Psy.D in Abnormal Psychology; be it at Salve if they offer it, or at another Rhode Island school. From there, I plan to get licensed & go into practice applying the holistic methodology to therapy. This is the plan so far.

I am also seeing a vast upsurge in the Covenant of ARZIR. We're at over a hundred members & our first temple, Temple of the Immortal, is off to a smashing start! Once we are able to get non-profit status, the movement can go live & we can start really pushing this counter current to societal programming on the streets! I have a good staff put together to run the public face of the organization & our numbers of initiates & adepts continue to grow to drive the organization & the Tradition from the metaphysical. I am planning on finishing work on the first chapter of the Necronomicon ARZIR & combine it with some of my articles & essays & publish it as 'Infernal Ascendant'. These writings give a general overview of the CoA's philosophies from the Left Hand Path perspective & from my own perspective. It will be a good resource for the Covenant & a milestone for me having been working toward publishing a book for most of my life.

Finally & most importantly, I am working toward putting my home life back together. My injury has left my house in an uproar & our dynamic is all out of whack. I need to step up & take control & bring things back into  balance. This is paramount & goes before all else.

Anyhow, that's it for now; more to come in its time....

1 comment:

  1. Awesome I am glad that you are back and well. You are an immortality warrior of spiritual and intellectual freedom. Your education plan is awesome and your writing and vision for the Covenant of Arzir is inspiring. Blessings and Good Chi for you my friend. :) Love and Gratitude.
