What its all about:

The Word Unspoken will address the random outpourings of my deviant mind. Sometimes the occult, sometimes politics, sometimes basket weaving...who knows? Generally, it is a commentary of an unconventional conventionist walking the face of this mudball with a bunch of other broken machines. Read, comment, enjoy, hate...do what you please, its no concern of mine, but remember: You are a reflection of what you hate; so hate wisely!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Battle Lines are Being Drawn...

As you all may or may not know about me, I'm not a war monger. At one time I was & then I got away from it because in my eyes conflict was pointless aside from being a way to thin the herd. There has been much talk of unity among the Left Hand Path, but it has always been marred by conflict & rightly so. Unity suggests homogeneity & losing one's individuality in favor of a unified whole. This is exactly the tactic used by the slave religions & the consumer cult currently in power to subjugate our society & the minds of the human machines. Is it any wonder that those who understand the Left Hand Path fight the concept of unity tooth & nail!

  I write this in regards to statements made by so-called "left hand path" & "satanic" organizations who claim they support the cause of Satanic Unity, yet only seem to promote reverse xtianity & slavery. One group, the Temples of Satan, has even gone so far as to declare war on all those who did not agree with their ideology, calling everyone not in the ToS: "enemies of Satan". They plan to use magickal & other tactics to wage this war against their detractors so they can have "unity" & "peace". Does this sound familiar to anyone? It sure as hell sounds familiar to me!

In the latter days of the Roman Empire, the Emperor Constantine declared xtianity to be the state religion of the Empire. This decision came after a debate between both xtian & Gnostic leaders before the Emperor & his councilors. Upon rendering this decision, the xtian loyalists mobbed the streets raping, murdering, stealing & destroying the property of anyone who was named as a Gnostic, a Gnostic sympathizer, or who would not convert to xtianity on the spot. These tactics were the policy of the Church for centuries until separation of church & state came into vogue & then the holy war had to become slightly more covert. Does anyone honestly think for a second groups like the Temples of Satan, if given the authority, would not engage in similar tactics? If so, then you haven''t been paying attention.

In all my years as an occultist & a student of comparative spirituality, Left Hand Path philosophy always represented freedom of the individual to seek their own evolution & deification. This approach is not exclusive to Satanism & other "left hand path religions", but can be applied to any spiritual path without exception; the same is true of Right Hand Path philosophy which promotes worship & eventual union with a deific force outside oneself achieving immortality through homogenization with the greater whole. Many groups & individuals within the Theistic & Spiritual Satanic paths do not understand this fine difference & are, in fact, promoting a Right Hand Path approach that is doing nothing more but replacing Satan for jesus & putting seekers into nothing more but a different set of chains with a new jailer!

Conflict seems to be unavoidable as these "finer points of interpretation" will soon be the sparks that ignite the powder keg. It pains me to stand by & watch honest seekers be deceived because the rhetoric they are being fed "sounds like" real satanism. Everyone needs to be free to make their own decisions & this is why I very rarely intervene unless asked, but have people truly become so lazy as to take the first thing that comes down the river & accept it as the "only truth"? The only truth is that which we discover for ourselves. It is unique to us & while it may be similar to the "truth" of others, it is never exactly the same. Each person's path is unique & to deny this is to deny freedom which to my understanding, is the foundation of Satanism & the Left Hand Path!

From this point on until the situation changes, I will no longer stay silent. I will speak out against those who are deceiving others with their own self aggrandizing philosophies that lure others to the name of Satan yet shackle them in chains. Through my words & my organization, the Covenant of ARZIR, we will offer a counter current to the homogenous slave unity of "right hand path satanism" as promoted by the Temples of Satan, the Joy of Satan, & the Brotherhood of Satan, as well as many other organizations out there who share similar views. Unity is a death sentence; cooperative individuality is our key to freedom. We are all individuals who walk a unique path. At times we may walk side by side with others on our paths, but ultimately, each path belongs to the individual alone. It costs us nothing to help those walking at our side along their paths; in fact, these acts of service further enrich our own paths through interaction. No one can hold us back on our journey except ourselves; our only enemies are those who would subvert our individuality & try to enslave us to their point of view to the exclusion of our own.

This is the line in the sand. If you are looking for slaves & sycophants, look elsewhere! You will only find those who think & feel for themselves on this side of the line. One of us is worth a hundred of your mindless drones who have traded their souls to be part of your crowd. Your so-called "magicks" will whither before us because we hold your "power" in contempt & pity your pathetic attempts at "control". Crawl back beneath your stones & the ruins of your fallen world, for when the heavens shake with the tolling of the new aeon, only the self-evolved & self-realized will stand. I call to all who read this to cast off your chains & remove the blinders from your eyes. See things for how they are & use your gift of a unique mind. Make your own decisions for no one else but yourself. Don't be fooled by what seems like the "real thing". Test it before you buy it! This is our chance to change the world, & it starts with each & every one of us. Stand up & act! Be unique! Be free!

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Nightmare Returns!

The Vivisection is complete & I have returned....better, stronger, more undead than ever before! I told y'all when I started that this blog would be pretty random & I don't think I've disappointed. So, what am I thinking about aside from counting the minutes until my next dose of Oxycontin?

The future's so bright, I've got to wear shades, so I live in the present so I don't fall asleep from the glare. So much has been happening so quickly in my world that its time to put things in their places so life can assume its new rhythm. I've got an eight to nine year plan for school; I want my doctorate & I'm not stopping until I get it! I think I am going to try to get into Salve Regina College in Newport, RI to get my Master's in Holistic Counseling if I am unable to get into NESA, which seems likely at this point due to the hour commute & the time commitment NESA demands.. I wouldn't be able to hold down a full time job & go there because going there is a full time job with its 3-4 day commitment in the first year & a five day commitment for the second & third year.

Salve is closer & the program goes right along with my Bachelor's degree program of Complementary & Alternative Health. Aside from that, the school has an excellent reputation & will look really good on a transcript. Following that, I plan on getting my Psy.D in Abnormal Psychology; be it at Salve if they offer it, or at another Rhode Island school. From there, I plan to get licensed & go into practice applying the holistic methodology to therapy. This is the plan so far.

I am also seeing a vast upsurge in the Covenant of ARZIR. We're at over a hundred members & our first temple, Temple of the Immortal, is off to a smashing start! Once we are able to get non-profit status, the movement can go live & we can start really pushing this counter current to societal programming on the streets! I have a good staff put together to run the public face of the organization & our numbers of initiates & adepts continue to grow to drive the organization & the Tradition from the metaphysical. I am planning on finishing work on the first chapter of the Necronomicon ARZIR & combine it with some of my articles & essays & publish it as 'Infernal Ascendant'. These writings give a general overview of the CoA's philosophies from the Left Hand Path perspective & from my own perspective. It will be a good resource for the Covenant & a milestone for me having been working toward publishing a book for most of my life.

Finally & most importantly, I am working toward putting my home life back together. My injury has left my house in an uproar & our dynamic is all out of whack. I need to step up & take control & bring things back into  balance. This is paramount & goes before all else.

Anyhow, that's it for now; more to come in its time....

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Vivisection: Thoughts before the lights go out...

Today I am having back surgery. This will be only the second time I've been "put under" & the first time I am staying in hospital. What are my thoughts? Oddly enough, not too many. I think I want more than anything to have this nerve pain be over with; I don't care much about the back pain, but the nerve pain in my leg I've been dealing with for months has got to go. The last time I had general anesthesia, I didn't remember anything; I faded out & faded back in & that was it. I wonder if things will be different this time; so much has changed since the last time. I wonder if I will travel; that would be cool. Remembering would be even cooler.

Many people are asking me if I'm nervous or worried. What the hell do I have to worry about? If I am paralyzed, that would suck, but it would only be from the waist down. I could still write & interact with the world as I do now. After the period of mourning & re-adjusting the family dynamic, all would be well. So, that's not too much of a worry. Another possibility is the pain won't go away; if that's the case, I change careers & go on SSI until I do. Become a pain killer junkie, get sick of that & really take the time to master my body. All the while continue my education until I have my doctorate & then I can do pretty much what I want. So, again, not a worry.

I figured I'd leave the big one people always keep in the back of their mind for last: Death. What if I die on the table? It could happen, couldn't it? My wife & children would be devastated; as would my mom & the rest of my family. My friends would be sad to miss me (I think...), my co-workers would speak in hushed tones seeing themselves on the table & then the jokes would begin (my favorite part!). Once the jokes begin, that's when the healing begins. Misery begets more misery, while laughter begets more laughter; laughter heals & lifts the spirit to higher planes. In every gale of laughter, I would be joined by all those who were close to me & we could laugh together. Why do I not fear death, but look at it with a smile on my face? I have conquered death! My mind is sealed & I will never forget again. On the wings of sublime laughter, I learned the secret & that secret has liberated me. I will never be alone because every thought of me or that has been inspired by me brings me to that place & I can share that moment with the inspired & follow the continuing journey of that thought in directions I could have never imagined when my thought was first conceived.

I will continue through my children. I live in their blood & in their memories. Every time they think of me, I will be there to wrap my arms around them & hold them close. When they tell their children about me, I will be able to do the same to them & their children until my memory is forgotten except in the blood. These wonderful machines we inhabit, while broken, have the capacity for almost infinite memory storage. Through the DNA, I am immortal; as are all those who have come before me & all those who will come after. My memory will live on in the flesh & bone of my descendants; they will carry me with them every day of their lives & I will be able to see them & guide them through their "gut feelings", their intuition, their evolution!

Beyond all this, I will continue because I choose to. Choice is the ultimate actualizer. I have chosen to go through the process of individuation & have faced & embraced myself. I continue to walk among the stars & experience life through innumerable perspectives. I continue to touch the lives of others & like a virus, spread my ideas continuously outward. I continue to evolve & create the Immortal that gestates within me. The Taoists say we are born with a spirit,but no soul; a soul must be cultivated through spiritual practice. Every moment is a spiritual practice; every breath is a prayer to my own divine self & the Powers that guide me, They are my Family & they are guiding me to remembrance of  my own immortality & godhood.

So do I fear death? Why? The adventure will only continue!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Got to love the 'Haters'

Yet another random rambling...

This past week, my organization, the Covenant of ARZIR, enjoyed a major upsurge of membership & affiliation through a couple of wonderful women who have become my spiritual sisters. Though the Covenant accepts all people from all paths as long as they are looking to better themselves & seek the evolutionary process of immortality, the greater majority of the membership is made up of Left Hand Path occultists & Satanists. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy as a pig in shit; these are some of the coolest people I've had the good fortune to meet & many of them have come around to the Immortalist view & process all on their own before even coming to the Covenant, but despite all of this, you guessed it; there are still the 'haters'!

Despite the effort to establish a decentralized structure whereby all those who join stay within their paradigms, but are still able to benefit from the resources & assistance  the Covenant provides with the only proviso being no one starts shit storms within "covenant space"; the haters still hate.

I think Cat Williams put it best when he said, "...haters don't hate you, haters hate good shit!" I've approached this project as gently as possible & have been developing it for years now. I've slowly planted the seeds & nurtured them in a few select people in the hope the idea would spread. So, what is the issue? Isn't Satanism & the Left Hand Path about freedom to evolve to godhood? Is it just that what we're offering is too good to be true & people need the bullshit to grow; kind of like plants needing manure to thrive. Perhaps I should become just another totalitarian dictator & assemble my masses of sycophants to kiss my ass & stroke my ego until it breaks the stars. I could be the next 'Leader of Satanism'; the next 'Black Pope'! Holy shit! I could be just like everybody else.

The problem is I'm not like everybody else. I have a vision of spiritual freedom for all those with the courage to take the step on their unique paths. I don't need sycophants to confirm my beliefs for me; I know what the hell I believe & there isn't a damn being in this world or any other that can convince me differently. My beliefs are not just ideas; they are something I live in every moment & with every breath. I have dedicated my life to my convictions & have gone through the harrowing to make those understandings indestructible! I would still be doing the same thing in a mansion in Beverly Hills or in a cardboard box on the side of the road. I would still be living my path whether I am one voice or a thousand. My evolution is what matters to me; not yours. That's your deal, but I'm happy to help you find that place that's uniquely yours.

So back to haters. I'm merely waiting for the moment the shit starts stirring. I've already had a group member concerned for my reputation. I expressed my gratitude for her concern, but when I told her I did not worry about how others view me, she became angry that I did not immediately become involved in her conspiracies. That time in my life is over! That game is too easy & it honestly bores the shit out of me. If I wanted to be a politician, I would have entered politics; not the occult. I have nothing to prove to anyone but myself & the first demand I receive online to prove my credentials will be met by side splitting laughter. I am that I am  & that is no one. By being no one, everyone is beholden to me. I choose to live humbly & simply because this is my choice; not an obligation. Things only distract me from what is really important. Its about evolution; so stop being a hater & mocking others & focus on the only thing you can truly evolve: your self!